"Coriolis", 2019
Image 4x4 in.
Mokuhanga on Kizuki washi

Coriolis Effect- "whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force"

2018 has been a conflicted year for me. It has been one of amazing happiness (I married the love of my life) and one of constant anxiety. Throughout the year, I watched the news stream of destructive hurricanes, raging forest fires, protests, talk of "draining the swamp", child separation and a fear that systems we take for granted are being threatened. These anxieties spun around my head being fed by the talking heads broadcast from every direction.
I have felt the need to try to respond with my artwork, but have never been able. The topics too large, too complex and coded. While researching images of hurricanes, I began thinking of their shape. The spinning, rotating mass, destructive but temporary. The storm clears, the torrent stops and I am left feeling empty like water going down the drain.